on October 24, 2024
at 15:23
Chapter: --Chapter Fourteen
Characters: Aston Heybrook, Taneli Hina De Morv Kamati Imrodan
I’m still very anxious about money but I got some writing done the past couple of days. A lot of it was on a fanfic but it’s not nothing. I think fandom communities have spoiled me a bit because people are so positive and leave thoughtful comments, at least in the FFXIV fandom. That’s largely not been my experience making webcomics.
I think it has to do with data density. Fanfic has a higher amount of data per release than webcomics. For example, the current scene is playing out over multiple pages and the readers only get one page per release. When it started, who had any idea that several pages in Aston would turn out to be Ace? Where each scene is going to go is a mystery, so the readers are along for the ride, waiting to see where things go. With a fanfic, each release is at least a complete scene so the reader has the writers complete thoughts on the material contained in it. This allows for more discussion.