Hey it’s the beginning of the month and I want to give a special thanks to my $10 and higher Patreon backers.
PockyPuck, Seth Vroon, Andreas Bombe, Mary Helen Hayes, Exahall, Eileen Smithers, The LoneBamf, Kita8, Alyssa Martin, Siri Agnethe Eliassen, Idran, and Michael Senn
Thanks so much!
if you’re not currently a patreon backer and would like to be you can find the campaign here. You may have to confirm that you’re over 18 to view the page. I do occasionally draw adult content but you’ll never come across it on my Patreon without being warned first.
….the aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrm. 😮 Is it welcome??? Kitov looks unhappy, but that could be because Taneli is worried and they, y’know, killed people today.
I love Kitov’s little face when he does something practical. Fire is indeed a celebratory occasion!
And this is why everyone should get Prestidigitation if available to them. While most DMs won’t make it a struggle every time you need a fire, you know they will when you really need it. Staying warm is always worth one of your cantrips.
awwww he looks so proud of his little fire i love him